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Performance Monitor Event Defn

Event definitions for the PeopleSoft performance monitor.

  • Related Language Record: PSPMEVENT_LNG
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 PM_EVENT_DEFN_SET Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Event Definition Set - used to categorize events.
    2 PM_EVENT_DEFN_ID Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Event Identifier
    3 DESCR60 Character(60) VARCHAR2(60) NOT NULL Description
    4 PM_EVENT_LABEL Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Performance Monitor Event Label.
    5 PM_ADDTNL_LABEL Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Additional Data Label
    6 PM_METRICID_1 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC1_VW

    7 PM_METRICID_2 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC2_VW

    8 PM_METRICID_3 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC3_VW

    9 PM_METRICID_4 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC4_VW

    10 PM_METRICID_5 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC5_VW

    11 PM_METRICID_6 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC6_VW

    12 PM_METRICID_7 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Performance Monitor Metric Table Identifier

    Prompt Table: PSPMMETRIC7_VW

    13 PM_FILTER_LEVEL Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL Reset all filters
    00=00-No Change

    Default Value: 04

    14 PM_SAMPLING_ENABLE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Enable Sampling

    Y/N Table Edit

    Default Value: N