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TR Accounting Line VATTR Accounting Line VAT information. |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Business Unit | |
2 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Represents the unique alphanumeric identifier for treasury-specific accounting entries. | |
3 | Number(5,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | The specific unique numeric identifier that distinguishes debit and credits for a given treasury accounting ent | |
4 | VAT_DST_ACCT_TYPE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | Specifies the accounting code associated with a VAT account type and with a VAT transaction. The accounting code determines when and how the transaction is distributed (posted) to the general ledger. |
5 | VAT_DISTRIB_STATUS | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
VAT Distribution Status
D=Distributed E=Error Flag I=Ignored M=Archival Entry N=Not Distributed P=Processed R=Reversal Entry U=Undefined |
6 | ACCOUNTING_LN_VAT | Number(5,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This fields contains the accounting line on which VAT was calculated. It ties the original accounting line to all the generated VAT accounting lines. |
7 | FOREIGN_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Foreign Currency Code |
8 | CURRENCY_CD | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Currency Code |
9 | RT_TYPE | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Defines a category of market rates for currency conversion. Some examples of rate types are commercial, average, floating, and historical. |
10 | RATE_MULT | Signed Number(17,8) | DECIMAL(15,8) NOT NULL | Rate Multiplier |
11 | RATE_DIV | Number(16,8) | DECIMAL(15,8) NOT NULL | Rate Divisor |
12 | VAT_ENTITY | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Specifies an organizational entity that is responsible for VAT reporting and that is registered in one or more countries that require VAT reporting. A single VAT entity is linked to one or more General Ledger Business Units depending on the reporting requirements. |
13 | COUNTRY_VAT_BILLFR | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Specifies the country where an invoice is generated (for VAT processing only).
Prompt Table: COUNTRY_VAT_TBL |
14 | VAT_RGSTRN_SELLER | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Seller's VAT Registration |
15 | COUNTRY_VAT_BILLTO | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Specifies the country where an invoice is sent (for VAT processing only).
Prompt Table: VAT_ENT_RGSTRN |
16 | VAT_RCRD_INPT_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
A flag that indicates whether or not (Y or N) a business unit will pay the VAT and recover it later from the VAT tax authority. VAT input is usually associated with purchase transactions.
Y/N Table Edit |
17 | VAT_RCRD_OUTPT_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
A flag that indicates whether or not (Y or N) VAT will be collected by the vendor on behalf of the government. VAT output is usually associated with sales transactions.
Y/N Table Edit |
18 | VAT_DCLRTN_DT | Date(10) | DATE NOT NULL | "Specifies the date of the invoice when the VAT declaration point (VAT_DCLRTN_POINT) is ""Invoice"". The VAT declaration date is automatically set to the invoice date by the system. This field does not apply when the declaration point is ""payment"". " |
19 | VAT_CALC_TYPE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
"A flag that indicates how VAT is stated and determines how the system performs the relevant VAT calculations. If ""Exclusive"", the VAT amount is stated separately from the merchandise amount. If ""Inclusive"", the VAT is not stated separately but is included with the merchandise amount."
E=Exclusive I=Inclusive |
20 | VAT_ROUND_RULE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
" Rounding rule to be applied to VAT calculations. Options are 'Natural'
D=Round Down N=Natural Round U=Round Up |
21 | VAT_APPLICABILITY | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
A flag that indicates whether or not a transaction is eligible for VAT (Value Added Tax) taxation or why it is not eligible.
E=Exempt N=Not Applicable O=Outside of Scope of VAT S=Suspended T=Taxable V=VAT Only X=Exonerated Prompt Table: TRV_VAT_APPL_VW |
22 | TAX_CD_VAT | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL |
Defines the VAT (Value Added Tax) percentage (via link to the Tax Authority) and is used to retrieve VAT accounting ChartFields. The VAT code determines how the VAT amount is calculated on a transaction and how that amount is accounted and reported for.
Prompt Table: VAT_HEADER_VW |
23 | TAX_CD_VAT_PCT | Signed Number(9,4) | DECIMAL(7,4) NOT NULL | Specifies the tax percentage that corresponds to the VAT code. If more than one VAT authority is linked to a VAT code this will represent an aggregate percentage. |
24 | VAT_TXN_TYPE_CD | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
Specifies a user-defined category of business transaction that is subject to VAT accounting and reporting. The VAT code and the VAT transaction type are used in conjunction with the VAT account type to obtain the ChartFields for accounting entries. Some examples of VAT Transaction Types are Exempt Sales Exempt Purchases Triangulation EU Sales and Domestic Sales.
Prompt Table: VAT_TXN_CD |
25 | VAT_USE_ID | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL |
VAT Use Type
Prompt Table: VAT_USE_TBL |
26 | VAT_RCVRY_PCT_SRC | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
VAT Recovery Percent Source
A=Automatically calculated M=Manual Entry |
27 | VAT_REBATE_PCT_SRC | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
VAT Rebate Percent Source
A=Automatically calculated M=Manual Entry |
28 | VAT_RECOVERY_PCT | Signed Number(7,2) | DECIMAL(5,2) NOT NULL | VAT Recovery Percent |
29 | VAT_REBATE_PCT | Signed Number(7,2) | DECIMAL(5,2) NOT NULL | VAT Rebate Percent |
30 | VAT_NRCVR_PRO_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Prorate Non-Recoverable VAT
Y/N Table Edit |
31 | VAT_NRCVR_ALL_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Allocate Non-Recoverable VAT
Y/N Table Edit |
32 | VAT_RPTG_CURR_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Amounts in Reporting Currency
Y/N Table Edit |
33 | CURRENCY_RPTG | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Reporting Currency |
34 | VAT_INV_AMT_RPTG | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Amt in Reporting Currency |
35 | VAT_TRANS_AMT_RPTG | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Transaction Amt Reporting |
36 | RATE_MULT_VAT | Signed Number(17,8) | DECIMAL(15,8) NOT NULL | An internal convention utilized for determing whether a currency exchange spot rate is stored either as di |
37 | RATE_DIV_VAT | Number(16,8) | DECIMAL(15,8) NOT NULL | An internal convention utilized for determing whether a currency exchange spot rate is stored either as direct |
38 | VAT_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Specifies the amount of VAT associated with a transaction such as an invoice or a purchase order. In PeopleSoft Receivables this field is populated when the VAT declaration point is set to Invoice. |
39 | VAT_AMT_BSE | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Amount in Base Curr |
40 | VAT_BASIS_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Specifies the amount on a sale (receivables item) or purchase (Payables voucher) transaction that is subject to VAT taxation. Depending on other parameters this amount may represent the gross or net amount of the transaction and may or may not include freight charges. |
41 | VAT_BASIS_AMT_BSE | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Basis Amt in Base Curr |
42 | VAT_ENTRD_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Entered VAT Amount |
43 | VAT_ENTRD_AMT_BSE | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Entered VAT Amount Base Cur |
44 | VAT_CALC_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Calculated Amount |
45 | VAT_CALC_AMT_BSE | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Calculated Amount Base Cur |
46 | VAT_RCVRY_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Recovery Amt |
47 | VAT_RCVRY_AMT_BSE | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Recovery Amt in Base Curr |
48 | VAT_REBATE_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Rebate Amt |
49 | VAT_REBATE_AMT_BSE | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | VAT Rebate Amt in Base Curr |
50 | BANK_SETID | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | The PeopleSoft tableset ID associated with a given bank/counterparty. |
51 | BANK_CD | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Bank Code |
52 | PHYSICAL_NATURE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Physical Nature
G=Goods S=Services Default Value: S |
53 | VAT_TREATMENT | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
VAT Treatment
Prompt Table: VAT_TREAT_VW |
54 | COUNTRY_VAT_SUPPLY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | VAT Place of Supply Country |
55 | STATE_VAT_SUPPLY | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL | VAT Place of Supply State |
56 | STATE_VAT_DEFAULT | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL | VAT Defaulting State |
57 | VAT_DFLT_DONE_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
VAT Defaulting Done
N=Awaiting Defaulting X=Do not default Y=Defaulting Done Default Value: N |
58 | VAT_EXCPTN_TYPE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
A flag that specifies the reason for a VAT exemption for a customer. Suspension (S) and Exoneration (X) are examples of Exception Type.
N=None S=Suspended X=Exonerated |
59 | VAT_EXCPTN_CERTIF | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Specifies the VAT exception certificate number. This identifier serves as proof of customer's exemption from VAT. |
60 | COUNTRY_BANK | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Bank Country |