(SQL View)
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SF Production End Shift View

End Shift View that includes Entered, Firmed, Released and Inprocess schedules

SELECT DISTINCT a.business_unit , a.prdn_area_code , a.inv_item_id , a.production_type , a.prdn_due_date , a.prdn_due_shift FROM PS_SF_PRDNID_HEADR a WHERE a.ma_prdn_id_flg = 'N' AND (a.prod_status = '10' OR a.prod_status = '15' OR a.prod_status = '20' OR a.prod_status = '30')

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit
2 PRDN_AREA_CODE Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Production Area
3 INV_ITEM_ID Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Item ID
4 PRODUCTION_TYPE Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL JNW 11/1/98 (CN#SF800-13) activated teardown xlat
5 PRDN_DUE_DATE Date(10) DATE Prdn Due Date
6 PRDN_DUE_SHIFT Signed Number(2,0) DECIMAL(1) NOT NULL Prdn Due Shift