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Item Master Standard Cst ViewAdded reference to Rel Language table CM_ITMPR_LNG_VW 2/13/98 RS : RL View Type OTH C1 05/28/99 ej CN#CM800-4.0 Changed to incorporate item attribute at Business Unit level. 1/17/00 lee - changed this view to be keyed by bus unit versus setid. 06/05/00 lee - removed set control field 05/25/16 huajun - change this view for fixing bug#23269353 |
SELECT a.business_unit , b.inv_item_id , a.itm_status_effdt , b.descr , a.itm_status_current FROM ps_bu_items_inv a , PS_MASTER_ITEM_TBL b , ps_set_cntrl_rec c WHERE a.business_unit = c.setcntrlvalue AND c.recname = 'MASTER_ITEM_TBL' AND b.setid = c.setid AND b.inv_item_id = a.inv_item_id AND a.itm_status_current IN ('1','2','3') AND a.inventory_item = 'Y' AND (EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM ps_cm_item_sflg_vw f WHERE f.business_unit = a.business_unit AND f.inv_item_id = a.inv_item_id )) |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Business Unit | |
2 | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | Item ID | |
3 | ITM_STATUS_EFFDT | Date(10) | DATE | Item Status Date |
4 | DESCR | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Description |
5 | ITM_STATUS_CURRENT | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Item Status Current
1=Active 2=Hold 3=Discontinue 4=Inactive 5=Pending Approval 6=Denied Approval 7=Under Initialization |