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Project/Contract Interface AETUsed by Application Engine program BIPCC000. The interface from Billing to Projects/Contracts. |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Number(10,0) | DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL | Process Instance | |
2 | JOURNAL_ID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Identifies a journal entry, consisting of a header and one or more lines. The Journal ID itself does not have to be unique, but together with the journal business unit and journal date, it forms a unique journal identifier. |
3 | JOURNAL_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Specifies the date the journal was created. |
4 | FISCAL_YEAR | Number(4,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Fiscal Year |
5 | ACCOUNTING_PERIOD | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Identifies a time period to which you post transactions. Typically, an accounting period represents a month, but it can also represent a week, a day, or any user-defined interval. An accounting period has a beginning date and an ending date, and is defined in the calendar table. |
6 | ACTION_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Action Flag
A=Action |
7 | BUSINESS_UNIT | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Business Unit |
8 | BUSINESS_UNIT_GL | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | GL Business Unit |
9 | INVOICE | Character(22) | VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL | Invoice |
10 | INVOICE2 | Character(22) | VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL | Invoice |
11 | LINE_SEQ_NUM | Number(5,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | Sequence |
12 | LINE_DST_SEQ_NUM | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Revenue Sequence Number |
13 | INVOICE_RANGE_OPT | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Invoice Range Option
ALI=All Invoiced Bills ALL=All CUS=Cust ID CYC=Bill Cycle DT=Date Bill Added DTI=Date GRP=Copy Group ID INV=Invoice ID MUL=Multi-Select Table PVN=Public Voucher Number RGP=Reprint Group SEL=Range ID SHP=Ship ID SRC=Bill Source TYP=Bill Type |
14 | BILL_CYCLE_ID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Billing Cycle Identifier |
15 | BILL_TYPE_ID | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Bill Type Identifier |
16 | BILL_SOURCE_ID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Bill Source |
17 | RANGE_SELECTION_ID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Range Selection ID |
18 | START_INVOICE | Character(22) | VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL | Starting Invoice Number |
19 | END_INVOICE | Character(22) | VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL | Ending Invoice Number |
20 | CONSOLIDATE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | Consolidate Headers |
21 | STARTING_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Bills Added On or After |
22 | BILL_TO_CUST_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Customer |
23 | CUR_RT_TYPE | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Currency Rate Type |
24 | BUSINESS_UNIT_PC | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | PC Business Unit |
25 | PROJECT_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Project Id ChartField |
26 | ACTIVITY_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Activity ID |
27 | BI_CURRENCY_CD | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Billing Currency Code |
28 | BASE_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | "Specifies the primary currency for a general ledger business unit, and is sometimes referred to as the ""book"" currency. Each business unit has one base currency. which is usually, but not always, the local currency for the organization. Journal entries are posted to a business unit in its base currency. " |
29 | RATE_MULT | Signed Number(17,8) | DECIMAL(15,8) NOT NULL | Rate Multiplier |
30 | RATE_DIV | Number(16,8) | DECIMAL(15,8) NOT NULL | Rate Divisor |
31 | ORIG_AMOUNT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Original Amount |
32 | GROSS_EXTENDED_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Gross Extended |
33 | NET_EXTENDED_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Net Extended Amt |
34 | TOTAL_LVL_DISC_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Level Discount Total |
35 | TOTAL_LVL_SUR_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Level Surcharge Total |
36 | AMOUNT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Amount |
37 | RESOURCE_ID | Character(40) | VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL | Transaction ID |
38 | RESOURCE_ID_FROM | Character(40) | VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL | Original Transaction ID |
39 | ANALYSIS_TYPE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Analysis Type |
40 | RESOURCE_TYPE | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Source Type |
41 | RESOURCE_CATEGORY | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Category |
42 | RESOURCE_SUB_CAT | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Subcategory |
43 | RESOURCE_TYPE_BIL | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Source Type for Bil Fee Cost |
44 | RESOURCE_CAT_BIL | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Category for Bil Cost Fee |
45 | RESOURCE_SUB_C_BIL | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Subcategory |
46 | INVOICE_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Invoice Date |
47 | ACCOUNTING_DT | Date(10) | DATE | The accounting entry construction date for a given transaction (a generic field that crosses multiple |
48 | EMPLID | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL | Employee ID |
49 | EMPL_RCD | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Empl Rcd Nbr |
50 | UNIT_OF_MEASURE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Used on an approval rule set.
MHR=Muti Hourly PER=Percentage SQF=Square Footage |
51 | CONTRACT_NUM | Character(25) | VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL | Contract |
52 | CONTRACT_LINE_NUM | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Contract Line Num |
53 | CONTRACT_PPD_SEQ | Number(5,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | Prepaid Add Sequence |
54 | TAX_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Tax Amount |
55 | VAT_AMT | Signed Number(28,3) | DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL | Specifies the amount of VAT associated with a transaction such as an invoice or a purchase order. In PeopleSoft Receivables this field is populated when the VAT declaration point is set to Invoice. |
56 | ACCOUNT | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Account |
57 | ALTACCT | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Alternate Account |
58 | DEPTID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
Prompt Table: DEPTID_BUGL_VW |
59 | OPERATING_UNIT | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL |
Operating Unit ChartField
Prompt Table: OPERUNT_BUGL_VW |
60 | PRODUCT | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL |
Product ChartField
Prompt Table: PRODUCT_BUGL_VW |
61 | FUND_CODE | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Fund Code
Prompt Table: FUND_BUGL_VW |
62 | CLASS_FLD | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Class Field
Prompt Table: CLASSCF_BUGL_VW |
63 | PROGRAM_CODE | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Program Code ChartField
Prompt Table: PROGRAM_BUGL_VW |
64 | BUDGET_REF | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL |
Budget Reference
Prompt Table: BUD_REF_BUGL_VW |
65 | AFFILIATE | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Prompt Table: AFFILIATE_VW |
66 | AFFILIATE_INTRA1 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
IntraUnit Affiliate1
Prompt Table: %EDIT_INTRA01 |
67 | AFFILIATE_INTRA2 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
Operating Unit Affiliate
Prompt Table: %EDIT_INTRA02 |
68 | CHARTFIELD1 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
Expansion chartfield 1
Prompt Table: CF1_BUGL_VW |
69 | CHARTFIELD2 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
Expansion Chartfield 2
Prompt Table: CF2_BUGL_VW |
70 | CHARTFIELD3 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
Expansion Chartfield 3
Prompt Table: CF3_BUGL_VW |
71 | STATISTICS_CODE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Statistics Code |
72 | SYSTEM_SOURCE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Identifies the application or source system that generated a journal entry. Release 8.80 - 11/14/2002 - RVlasic - Removed GDM (JrnlGen - Deduction Management) from Translate Values. SUJ---Included a label as Product. Release 8.9 - 05/11/2005 - RVlasic - Added PRV (Variance Pricing) and PKK (KK Budget Journal) and deleted GLK for Project Costing per Brian Cohen. |
73 | ADJ_LINE_TYPE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Adjustment Line Type
ACR=Adjustment Credit Line ADJ=Adjustment ARB=Adjustment Rebill Line REG=Regular bill line (not adjust) |
74 | INVOICE_TYPE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Invoice Type
ACR=Credit Bill ADJ=Adjustment Only bill ARB=Rebill Bill PRF=Pro Forma Invoice RAD=Regular bill with adjustments REG=Regular Bill |
75 | SETID | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | SetID |
76 | DISC_SUR_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Identifier |
77 | RETAINAGE_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Used to track discounts that are retainage discounts.
N=No Y=Yes |
78 | COUNTER1 | Number(16,2) | DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL | Counter 1 |
79 | TAX_VENDOR | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Tax Provider
A=Taxware N=None V=Vertex |
80 | DST_ID_GST | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | GST Distribution Code |
81 | DST_ID_SUT | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Sales/Use Distribution Code |
82 | EVENT_OCCURRENCE | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Identifies a user-defined event on a schedule for automatically creating standard and recurring journal entries. Event Occurrence is a number associated with a date for creation of the journal. |
83 | BPLAN_LN_NBR | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Bill Plan Line Number |
84 | XREF_SEQ_NUM | Number(5,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | Cross Reference Sequence No. |
85 | LINE_TYPE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
Line Type 1
ADV=Advance Billing BAE=Billed Amount in Excess BRT=Billing Retainage DAPP=Cust Deposit Applied DEP=Customer Deposit DISC=Discount Line DREF=Cust Deposit Refunded DRFF=Cust Deposit Refund Fee FRGT=Freight (Surcharge) MISC=Miscellaneous Charge PYCV=Payment with Corporate Voucher RAE=Reclaimed Amount in Excess REV=Revenue Line RSTK=Restock (Surcharge) SUR=Surcharge Line UTL=Utilization Line |
86 | BILL_PLAN_ID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Billing Plan ID |
87 | TAX_CD_VAT | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL | Defines the VAT (Value Added Tax) percentage (via link to the Tax Authority) and is used to retrieve VAT accounting ChartFields. The VAT code determines how the VAT amount is calculated on a transaction and how that amount is accounted and reported for. |
88 | VAT_TXN_TYPE_CD | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | Specifies a user-defined category of business transaction that is subject to VAT accounting and reporting. The VAT code and the VAT transaction type are used in conjunction with the VAT account type to obtain the ChartFields for accounting entries. Some examples of VAT Transaction Types are Exempt Sales Exempt Purchases Triangulation EU Sales and Domestic Sales. |
89 | VAT_DST_ACCT_TYPE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | Specifies the accounting code associated with a VAT account type and with a VAT transaction. The accounting code determines when and how the transaction is distributed (posted) to the general ledger. |
90 | VAT_DCLRTN_POINT | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
A flag that specifies when VAT information for sales or purchase transaction is recognized for reporting to the appropriate VAT authority. VAT is declared at invoice time, delivery time, accounting date or the time of payment.
A=At Accounting Date D=At Delivery Time I=At Invoice Time P=At Payment Time |
91 | DESCR | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Description |
92 | DESCR1 | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Descr |
93 | QTY | Signed Number(17,4) | DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL | Quantity |
94 | ORIG_QTY | Signed Number(17,4) | DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL | Original Quantity |
95 | RESOURCE_QUANTITY | Signed Number(16,2) | DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL | Quantity |
96 | PO_REF | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Specifies the purchase order number associated with a receivables item. |
97 | CA_PGP_SEQ | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Progress Payment Sequence |
98 | TEMP_FLD | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | Temporary Field for App Engine |
99 | AE_APPLID | Character(12) | VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL | Program Name (see PSAEAPPLDEFN). |
100 | AE_SECTION | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL | Section |
101 | SQL_STMT_254 | Character(254) | VARCHAR2(254) NOT NULL | An internal work field that contains SQL text that is to be utilized in treasury application p |
102 | SQL_STMT_800 | Long Character(800) | VARCHAR2(800) | SQL_Stmt_800 |
103 | DTTM_FROM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | From Date/Time |
104 | ORIGINAL_INVOICE | Character(22) | VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL | Original Invoice |
105 | BUSINESS_UNIT_GL1 | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | The general ledger business unit associated with an internal counterparty. |
106 | PC_CF_CHANGE_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | An indicator to flag whether the Project chartfields were updated on a billing line. |
107 | BI_TO_PC_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | manual billing requires contract info to write to Projects |
108 | BI_CREATE_PROC | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL |
Created By Process
00=Billing Interface 01=Worksheet Online 02=Worksheet Batch 20=Standard Billing 21=Express Billing 22=Consolidated Billing 23=Single Bill Copy 24=Adjust Entire Bill 25=Adjust Line 40=Installment Bill 41=Recurring Bill 42=Copy Bill Group |
109 | LEDGER_GROUP | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Ledger Group |
110 | SQL_STMT | Long Character(8192) | CLOB | An internal work field that contains SQL text that is to be utilized in treasury application processing. |