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Personalize My To Do List

Used to store My To Do List personalization settings.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL A user's ID (see PSOPRDEFN).
2 LM_MTDL_TYPE Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL Identifies the type of My To Do List.
10=Pending Approval Requests
20=Pending DIF Requests
30=Unfulfilled Learning Requests
40=Learning Events Today
50=Certifications Expiring Soon
60=Learning Objectives Not Met
70=Plan Items Not Completed
3 LM_MTDL_SW Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Switch indicates whether the My To Do List item is selected or not.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: Y