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Association Types
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
ACAD Academics Academics
ADM Admissions Admissions
ADV Advisor Advisor Dialog
AGRE Agrment Agreement
ASSC Associated Lead/Referral/Opportunity
BENE Benefits Benefits
BP BusProject Business Project
BPEL BPEL Business Process
BS Script Branch Script
BULK Bulk Order Bulk Order
CASE Cse Case
CHG Change Change Request
CLEA Cloned L Cloned Lead
CMP Campign Campign
CONC Conc Order Concurrent Order
CONT Contract Contract
COPP Cloned O Cloned Opportunity
COPY Copy Copy
CORR Correspond Correspondence
CR Donors Donors/Alumni
CS Campus Campus Community
DE Defect Quality Defect
DLG Dialog Dialog
DLOG Dialog Dialog
EBAB Absences Absences
EBAS Assignment Assignment
EBCM Benefits Manage Benefits
EBHR Personal Personal
EBMW Worker Maintain Worker
EBPA Payroll Manage Payroll
EBPU Tax Tax and Statutory
EM EM Enterprise Manager
EVT Event Event
FA Failure Failure/Request
FIN Financials Financials
FNOL FNOL First Notice of Loss
INQO Ins Quote Insurance Quote
MA Account Modify Account
OFFR Offer Hist Offer History
PABS Advisor Product Advisor Branch Script
PAPP Prod App Product Application
PAYR Payroll Payroll
PRBS Promotion Promotion Branch Script
PROP Proposal Proposal
PST PST Create Troubleshooting Guide
RADS Advisor Product Advisor Session
RELA Action Related Action
RM Rma Return Material Authorization
ROPP Oppy Sales Opportunity
ROQ2 Quote Original Quote
ROQU Quote Quote
ROS2 Order Original Order
ROSO Order Order
ROUP Upsell Product Upsell
RQ Defect Quality Defect
SACT Suggested Suggested Actions
SL Sales Lead Sales Lead
SLEA Srce Lead Source Lead
SM ServMgmt Service Management
SO Ser Order Service Order
SOL Solution Solution
SOPP Srce Oppy Source Opportunity
SR Survey Create Customer Satisfaction
SRVT Survey Case Survey - Term Based
SRVY Survey Case Survey
STOC Stock Stock
TRNG Training Training
UP Upsell Create Lead Qualification
WO Work Order Work Order