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Service Order Header InfoThis is the header record that is used for the Service Order and My Service Order. |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL | Archive ID (see PSARCHTEMPLATE). | |
2 | Number(30,0) | DECIMAL(30) NOT NULL | Archive Batch Number | |
3 | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Business Unit
4 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order ID | |
5 | CASE_ID | Number(15,0) | DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL |
Case ID. This is a unique ID assigned to a case when it is saved. Unique ID is ensured by getting the next value from the auto-numbering table and updating the table.
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE30 |
6 | SO_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Stores the Service Order creation date. |
7 | CUST_SETID | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Customer Setid |
8 | BO_ID_CUST | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | This field stores the Business Object ID for the customer. |
9 | ROLE_TYPE_ID_CUST | Number(12,0) | DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL | Stores ROLE_TYPE_ID for the customer |
10 | BO_ID_CONTACT | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | This field indicates the Business Object ID for the contact. |
11 | ROLE_TYPE_ID_CNTCT | Number(12,0) | DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL | Stores ROLE_TYPE_ID for the contact |
12 | PROFILE_CM_SEQ | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
The Contact Method Profile ID is a key field that is used to reference the details of a Contact Method in various CM tables.
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE20 |
13 | PROFILE_CM_BILLTO | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
Bill To Address,..........................................
Prompt Table: RB_BC_BILLTO_VW |
14 | CUST_PERSON_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL |
Contact Identifier for Treasury Contacts
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE |
15 | SITE_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL |
Uniquely identifies an organizational entity that purchases goods or services from the enterprise. Represents the sold-to customer which is the customer organization that places orders. The CUST_ID may or may not be the same as the identifiers for the bill-to and ship-to locations.
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE15 |
16 | REGION_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | This field stores the region id value. |
17 | SO_STATUS | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
This field is used to store the Service Order Header Status.
C=Complete D=Closed O=Open X=Canceled Default Value: O |
18 | SO_PRIORITY | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
The priority of the service order.
H=High L=Low N=Normal U=Urgent Default Value: N |
19 | ORDER_TYPE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Order Type
DMO=Demo INS=Installation PRM=Preventative Maintenance REP=Repair SAL=Sales TRN=Training |
20 | AGREEMENT_CODE | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | This field represents the agreement code (name) for an agreement |
21 | AGREEMENT_LINE | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | This field records the value for the agreement line number |
22 | WARRANTY_NAME | Character(40) | VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL | This field is used to store the name of the warranty. |
23 | SIN | Character(40) | VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL |
This field is used to represent the Site Identification Number
Prompt Table: RF_AG_SIN_VW |
24 | AGR_RENEWAL_NUM | Number(4,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | This field represents the agreement renewal number (agreements begin at a value of one and the number is incremented with every renewal) |
25 | SERVICE_ID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL |
Service ID
Prompt Table:
26 | INST_PROD_ID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL |
This field is used to represent the installed product ID (key field)
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE29 |
27 | PRODUCT_ID | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL |
Product ID
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE11 |
28 | SERIAL_ID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL |
This field is used to represent the Serial ID of an item or installed product
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE10 |
29 | LOCATION | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL |
This field stores the Location Code.
Prompt Table:
30 | BUSINESS_UNIT_GL | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | This field stores the General Ledger Business Unit. Used for the Integration with Contracts/Billing from CRM. |
31 | START_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Start date field to store start date value. |
32 | START_TIME | Time(15) | TIMESTAMP | Start of Shift |
33 | END_DT | Date(10) | DATE | This field stores the end date values. |
34 | END_TIME | Time(15) | TIMESTAMP | End of Shift |
35 | WARRANTY_SW | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Indicates that the item can be serviced under a warranty.
N=Not fixed under warranty Y=Fixed under warranty Y/N Table Edit |
36 | ENTERED_BY | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | A user's ID |
37 | BILLABLE_SW | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Used to indicate if the service order is billable or not.
Y/N Table Edit Default Value: Y |
38 | BILLING_INFO_LBL | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Billing Information
Y/N Table Edit |
39 | BILL_NOW_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Indicates that the bill is ready (for a service order).
Y/N Table Edit |
40 | BILL_START_DT | Date(10) | DATE | This field represents the billing start date |
41 | BILLING_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | This field represents the billing date |
42 | APPROVAL_FLAG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
The Approval Flag field is used to indicate whether approval is required.
A=Approved D=Denied P=Pending |
43 | PROVIDER_GRP_ID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL |
Identification number for the provider group.
Prompt Table:
44 | PERSON_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL |
Person ID
Prompt Table: RF_GRP_MEM_VW |
45 | APPROVAL_SW | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | Auto Approval Status |
46 | APPROVED_FLAG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
This field is used to determine if approval is required for this inventory item.
A=Approved P=Pending |
47 | APPROVAL_OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | A system generated value that reflects the operator that approved a given transaction. |
48 | APPROVAL_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Date of Approval |
49 | SO_TOTAL_LINES | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Stored on the service order header with the number of lines on the service order. |
50 | ROW_ADDED_DTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | This is a datetime field for record creation. |
51 | ROW_ADDED_OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | ID of user who added the row. |
52 | ROW_LASTMANT_DTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | The date and time that the row was last updated. |
53 | ROW_LASTMANT_OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | ID of user who last modified the row. |
54 | SYNCID | Number(10,0) | DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL | The Synchronization ID field stores a value generated by the sync processor. The value is used to identify the type of object that the sync processor is about to handle. |
55 | SYNCDTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Synchronization Last Update Date Time |
56 | MARKET | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Market |
57 | RB_ANONYMOUS_FLAG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Y/N Table Edit Default Value: N |
58 | RB_SITE_NOCUST_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Site without customer flag
Y/N Table Edit |
59 | DATE_BEGIN | Date(10) | DATE | Start Date |
60 | DATE_END | Date(10) | DATE | End Date |
61 | BEGIN_TIME | Time(15) | TIMESTAMP | Begin Time |
62 | END_TM | Time(15) | TIMESTAMP | End Time |
63 | CM_ID | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | Contact Method ID |
64 | BUS_PROC_INSTANCE | Number(18,0) | DECIMAL(18) NOT NULL | Business Project Instance. This is the Business Project instance of a business project. |
66 | DEPTID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL |
Prompt Table:
67 | SO_ID_MERGE | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order ID of a merged (from mobile) service order. |
68 | SO_ID_MOBILE | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Used by mobile when syncing service orders. |
69 | PAYMENT_METH | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Payment Method
CHK=Check CRD=Credit Card PCH=Purchase Order |
70 | BO_ID_BILL | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
Business Object ID
Prompt Table: RF_BO_BILLTO |
71 | PYMNT_TERMS_CD | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Specifies how the payment due date and discount due date are calculated. A payment terms code is associated with various business units bill-to customers vendors as well as sales orders purchase orders and vouchers.
Prompt Table:
72 | BO_ID_CNTCT | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
This field represents the business object ID for a Contact
Prompt Table: RF_BO_BILL_CONT |
73 | ROLE_TYPE_ID_1 | Number(12,0) | DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL | Role Type ID |
74 | ROLE_TYPE_ID_2 | Number(12,0) | DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL | Role Type ID |
75 | PROFILE_CM_SEQ_BIL | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
Profile Contact Method Sequence Number for Billing
Prompt Table: RF_BO_BILL_ADDR |
76 | PROFILE_CM_SEQ_PHN | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
Used to store the contact method sequence number for a phone number.
Prompt Table: RF_BO_CNTCT_PHN |
77 | CURRENCY_BILLING | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Billing Currency Code for the service order.
Prompt Table:
78 | PO_ID | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Purchase Order |
79 | PAYMENT_METHOD | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Specifies the preferred method of payment by a customer. Examples of payment method are check direct debit and draft.
10/28/2003 edw 655070000 - Removed LTC and CSH xlats.
CC=Credit Card CHK=Check DD=Direct Debit DR=Draft EFT=Electronic Fund Transfer INV=Invoice Default Value: INV |
80 | TERMS | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
This field is used to represent payment terms
FOC=Free of Charge N30=Net 30 Days N90=Net 90 Days PIF=Pay in Full |
81 | TAX_CD | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL |
Tax Code
Prompt Table:
82 | TAX_EXEMPT_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Tax Exempt Flag
Y/N Table Edit |
83 | TAX_EXEMPT_CERT | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL |
Exemption Certificate
Prompt Table: RF_BO_TAX_EX_VW |
84 | SVC_PURCH_OPT | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
This field is used to represent the transaction price purchase option
FLAT=Flat Rate PRPD=Prepaid Services/Cases TM=Time & Materials |
85 | SVC_PRICE | Number(21,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Price used on the Service Order |
86 | CURRENCY_CD | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | This field stores the Currency Code value. |
87 | SVC_UNIT_TYPE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
This field is used to represent the transaction price unit type
CASE=Case DAY=Day HOUR=Hour MON=Month SO=Service Order WEEK=Week YEAR=Year |
88 | SVC_LIST_PRICE | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Order List price which included entitlement. |
89 | SVC_ADJ_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Order Adjustment Amount used in Service Order pricing. |
90 | SVC_ADJ_PCT | Signed Number(4,0) | DECIMAL(3) NOT NULL | Service Adjustment Percent used in Service Order pricing. |
91 | SVC_ADJ_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Uplift / Discount Adjustment Currency Code. |
92 | SVC_REASON_CD | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order - Adjustment Reason Code. |
93 | SVC_REASON | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Service Order - Service Adjustment Reason |
94 | MAT_LIST_PRICE | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Order - Material Original Amount |
95 | MAT_ADJ_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Material Adjustment Amount used on service order pricing. |
96 | MAT_ADJ_PCT | Signed Number(4,0) | DECIMAL(3) NOT NULL | Material Adjustment Percent used on service order pricing. |
97 | MAT_ADJ_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Uplift / Discount Adjustment Currency Code. |
98 | MAT_REASON_CD | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order - Material Adjustment Reason Code |
99 | MAT_REASON | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Service Order - Material Adjustment Reason |
100 | TIME_LIST_PRICE | Number(12,2) | DECIMAL(11,2) NOT NULL | On the Service Order, the Labor List Price including entitlements. |
101 | TIME_ADJ_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Time Adjustment Amount used in service order pricing. |
102 | TIME_ADJ_PCT | Signed Number(4,0) | DECIMAL(3) NOT NULL | Uplift/Discount on labor provided on service order. |
103 | TIME_ADJ_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Uplift / Discount Adjustment Currency Code. |
104 | TIME_REASON_CD | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order - Time Adjustment Reason Code |
105 | TIME_REASON | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Service Order - Time Adjustment Reason |
106 | EXP_LIST_PRICE | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Order - Expense List Price. |
107 | EXP_ADJ_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Order pricing - Expense Adjustment Amount. |
108 | EXP_ADJ_PCT | Signed Number(4,0) | DECIMAL(3) NOT NULL | Service Adjustment Percent used on service order pricing to provide uplift or discount percent. |
109 | EXP_ADJ_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Uplift / Discount Adjustment Currency Code. |
110 | EXP_REASON_CD | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order - Expense Adjustment Reason Code |
111 | EXP_REASON | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Service Order - Expense Adjustment Reason |
112 | ADD_ADJ_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Adjustment Amount for Discount or for Uplift |
113 | ADD_ADJ_PCT | Signed Number(4,0) | DECIMAL(3) NOT NULL | Service Adjustment Percent for Service Order Pricing. |
114 | ADD_ADJ_CURRENCY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Uplift / Discount Adjustment Currency Code. |
115 | ADD_REASON_CD | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Service Order - Additional Adjustment Reason Code |
116 | ADD_REASON | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Service Order - Additional Adjustment Reason |
117 | SVC_EXCH_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Service Order - Material Exchange Amount |
118 | TOTAL_AMT | Signed Number(22,5) | DECIMAL(20,5) NOT NULL | Total Amount field used in PS_RF_SO_BLDET_WRK. |
119 | CURRENCY_FSBU | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Currency Code for the Field Service Business Unit. |
120 | CURRENCY_SOLDTO | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Currency Code |
121 | BILLING_STATUS | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Used to indicate if the billing status is pending, in error or submitted.
001=Billing Pending 002=Billing Submitted 003=Contract Creation Error 004=Billing Submitted 005=Transaction Error 006=Billing Completed 007=Contract Created Default Value: 001 |
122 | ALT_PHONE | Character(24) | VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL | Alternate phone number for one-time use. Not part of customer data model. |
123 | CUST_START_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Customer Preferred start date recorded for a service activity. |
124 | CUST_START_TIME | Time(15) | TIMESTAMP | Customer Preferred start time recorded for a service activity. |
125 | CUST_END_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Customer Preferred end date recorded for a service activity. |
126 | CUST_END_TIME | Time(15) | TIMESTAMP | Customer Preferred end time recorded for a service activity. |
127 | SO_COMPLETE_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Service Order Completion Date. This Date will be used to store the Completion Date of the Service Order. |
128 | DELAY20 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This field is used to represent a delay time value for Workflow escalation notifications |
129 | DELAY50 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This field is used to represent a delay time value for Workflow escalation notifications |
130 | DELAY80 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This field is used to represent a delay time value for Workflow escalation notifications |
131 | DELAY100 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This field is used to represent a delay time value for Workflow escalation notifications |
132 | DELAY100END | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This field is used to represent a delay time value for Workflow escalation notifications |
133 | DELAY120 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | This field is used to represent a delay time value for Workflow escalation notifications |