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Grouup Offer usrs/membrs viewsView used for displaying information of Group Offer Products as User/Member on Customer 360-Degree View page |
SELECT DISTINCT inst1.BO_ID_CUST , inst1.ROLE_TYPE_ID_CUST , inst1.BO_ID_CONTACT , inst1.ROLE_TYPE_ID_CNTCT , SITEVW.BO_ID , stat.inst_prod_status , inst3.SETID , inst3.INST_PROD_TYPE , inst3.INST_PROD_ID , mlpb1.product_id , inst3.TOPLVL_INSTPROD_ID , mlpb1.offer_type , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , %subrec(RB_AUDIT_SBR,inst3) FROM ps_rf_inst_link link1 JOIN ps_rf_inst_link link2 ON link1.rel_inst_prod_id = link2.inst_prod_id AND link2.setid = link1.setid AND link1.prod_rel_type = 'SLLS' AND link1.inst_link_status = 'INS' AND link2.prod_rel_type = 'RLON' AND link2.inst_link_status = 'INS' JOIN ps_rf_inst_link link3 ON link3.setid = link2.setid AND link2.rel_inst_prod_id = link3.rel_inst_prod_id AND link3.prod_rel_type = 'SLLS' AND link3.inst_link_status = 'INS' JOIN PS_RF_INST_PROD inst1 ON inst1.setid = link1.setid AND inst1.inst_prod_id = link1.inst_prod_id JOIN PS_RF_INST_PROD inst3 ON inst3.setid = link3.setid AND inst3.inst_prod_id = link3.inst_prod_id JOIN ps_prod_mlpb_item mlpb1 ON mlpb1.setid = inst3.setid AND mlpb1.product_id = inst3.product_id AND mlpb1.offer_type = 'SHR' JOIN PS_RF_INST_PROD_st stat ON stat.setid = inst3.setid AND stat.inst_prod_id = inst3.inst_prod_id LEFT JOIN PS_RF_SITE_360_VW SITEVW ON SITEVW.SETCNTRLVALUE = inst3.SETID AND SITEVW.SITE_ID = inst3.SITE_ID UNION SELECT DISTINCT inst1.BO_ID_CUST , inst1.ROLE_TYPE_ID_CUST , inst1.BO_ID_CONTACT , inst1.ROLE_TYPE_ID_CNTCT , SITEVW.BO_ID , stat.inst_prod_status , inst1.SETID , inst1.INST_PROD_TYPE , inst1.INST_PROD_ID , mlpb1.product_id , inst1.TOPLVL_INSTPROD_ID , mlpb1.offer_type , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , %subrec(RB_AUDIT_SBR,inst1) FROM ps_rf_inst_link link1 JOIN ps_rf_inst_link link2 ON link1.rel_inst_prod_id = link2.inst_prod_id AND link2.setid = link1.setid AND link1.prod_rel_type = 'SLLS' AND link1.inst_link_status = 'INS' AND link2.prod_rel_type = 'RLON' AND link2.inst_link_status = 'INS' JOIN ps_rf_inst_link link3 ON link3.setid = link2.setid AND link2.rel_inst_prod_id = link3.rel_inst_prod_id AND link3.prod_rel_type = 'SLLS' AND link3.inst_link_status = 'INS' JOIN PS_RF_INST_PROD inst1 ON inst1.setid = link1.setid AND inst1.inst_prod_id = link1.inst_prod_id JOIN ps_prod_mlpb_item mlpb1 ON mlpb1.setid = inst1.setid AND mlpb1.product_id = inst1.product_id AND mlpb1.offer_type = 'SHR' JOIN PS_RF_INST_PROD_st stat ON stat.setid = inst1.setid AND stat.inst_prod_id = inst1.inst_prod_id LEFT JOIN PS_RF_SITE_360_VW SITEVW ON SITEVW.SETCNTRLVALUE = inst1.SETID AND SITEVW.SITE_ID = inst1.SITE_ID |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | This field stores the Business Object ID for the customer. | |
2 | Number(12,0) | DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL | Stores ROLE_TYPE_ID for the customer | |
3 | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | This field indicates the Business Object ID for the contact. | |
4 | Number(12,0) | DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL | Stores ROLE_TYPE_ID for the contact | |
5 | BO_ID_SITE | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | Business Object ID |
6 | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | Status of an installed product. | |
7 | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | This field is used to store the value of SetID on various setup tables. | |
8 | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
This field is used by the Installed Product component to determine the type of product that is being registered for the Customer, Site, Department or Employee. There are four allowable types: 1) Product, which designates a product assigned to an external customer; 2) Service 3) Asset, which designates a product assigned to an internal employee or department; and 4)Agreement, which designates an Installed Agreement Product (used in Order Capture integration with Agreements).
001=Asset 002=Product 003=Service 004=Agreement 005=Commitment |
9 | INST_PROD_ID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | This field is used to represent the installed product ID (key field) |
10 | PRODUCT_ID_ORIG | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | Product ID Original |
11 | INST_PROD_ID_2 | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Clone of Installed product ID used in work record |
12 | OFFER_TYPE2 | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
Copy of Offer Type field.
GRP=Group SHR=Shared |
13 | PRODUCT_ID | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | Product ID |
14 | DESCR | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Description |
15 | DESCR1 | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Descr |
16 | DESCRIPTION | Character(35) | VARCHAR2(35) NOT NULL | Description |
17 | ROW_ADDED_DTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | This is a datetime field for record creation. |
18 | ROW_ADDED_OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | ID of user who added the row. |
19 | ROW_LASTMANT_DTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | The date and time that the row was last updated. |
20 | ROW_LASTMANT_OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | ID of user who last modified the row. |
21 | SYNCID | Number(10,0) | DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL | The Synchronization ID field stores a value generated by the sync processor. The value is used to identify the type of object that the sync processor is about to handle. |
22 | SYNCDTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Synchronization Last Update Date Time |