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This field describes job action in job details record.
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
ADD Add Add Non-Employee
ADL Addl Job Additional Job
ASC Assgn Comp Assignment Completion
ASG Assignment Assignment
AWD Award Mnt Award - Monetary
AWH Awards NM Award - Non Monetary
BNP Not Period Beginning of the Notice Period
BON Bonus Bonus
COM Completion Completion
DEM Demotion Demotion
DET Detail Detail
DTA Data Chg Data Change
EDT End of Det End of Detail
EXT Extension Extension of NTE Date
FSC Family Chg Family Status Change
HIR Hire Hire
INT Comp Intro Completion of Introductory Per
JED Erns Distn Earnings Distribution Change
JRC Job Reclas Job Reclassification
LOA LOA Leave of Absence
LOF Layoff Layoff
LTD LTD w/Pay Long Term Disability With Pay
LTO LTD Long Term Disability
PAY Pay Rt Chg Pay Rate Change
PLA Paid LOA Paid Leave of Absence
POS Posn Chg Position Change
PRB Probation Probation
PRC Compl Prob Completion of Probation
PRE Prehire FPS Prehire
PRO Promotion Promotion
PSF Chg PaySys Change of Pay System
REC Recall Recall from Suspension/Layoff
REH Rehire Rehire
RET Retirement Retirement
RFA Return-TAS Return from Temp Assignment
RFD Return-DIS Return From Disability
RFL Return-LOA Return from Leave
RNW Renewal Renewal
RTS Substv Job Return to Substantive Job
RWB Return-SWB Return From Wrk Break
RWP Ret w/Pay Retirement With Pay
STD STD w/Pay Short Term Disability With Pay
STO STD Short Term Disability
SUB Hld Substv Hold Substantive Job
SUS Suspension Suspension
SWB Short WBrk Short Work Break
TAS Tmp Assgn Temporary Assignment
TDL Term Detl Terminate Detail Assignment
TER Terminatn Termination
TWB Term w/Ben Terminated With Benefits
TWP Term w/Pay Termination With Pay
XFR Transfer Transfer